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Final Edited Version: Winning The Battle Against Ants In Folsom: Expert Advice On Effective Control

ants crawling on a plate

Living with ants inside your home is a recipe for stress. These little insects are adept at entering buildings and quick to find food wherever it might be. If you are not careful, you could find hundreds of these bugs skittering around your living areas. We are here to help you avoid these pests.

Take some time today to learn more about the different types of ants in Folsom and find a simple option to get and keep them out of your home. Call our team at Bell Pest Control if you want direct help handling these insects. We will share some of our options for ant pest control services and find a plan that works for you.

Types Of Ants: Understanding Common Ant Species

Understanding the different types of ants that might invade your home or property is the first step to finding freedom from these pests. The three most common species in our area are carpenter ants, argentine ants, and thief ants.

Carpenter ants are the largest species. They have larger heads and mouth parts, which they use to chew through wooden structures and trees. Argentine ants are much smaller and have shiny, dark, or brown bodies. Finally, thief ants are the smallest local species and have pale yellow to dark brown bodies. For help identifying an ant infestation inside your home, bring in our team for a quick inspection. 

Assessing The Risks: The Problems Created By Ants In The House

There are more ants here in Folsom than there are species that cause trouble. Most local invaders will contaminate food but do not spread disease, bite, or sting. The two species you should worry about are carpenter ants and thief ants. Carpenter ants like to chew tunnels into the structural wood of homes and outbuildings. This is not a huge problem at first, but it can turn into a serious issue down the road. The good news is that carpenter ants are easier to identify than termites and are, therefore, easier to control.

Thief ants, on the other hand, are not destructive but are dangerous. They spread a few different pathogens that they pick up from feeding on dead rats and mice. To make sure these pests cannot get into your home, check out our options for ant control

Ant Prevention Mistakes To Avoid: Common Pitfalls And Solutions

If you are trying to keep ants out of your home, you have to know a few things. Let’s start with some mistakes to avoid.

  • Do not leave windows and doors open unless they have quality screens. 
  • Do not ignore damage to your home’s exterior, especially around your foundation.
  • Do not leave trash cans open.
  • Do not store food inside open containers.
  • Do not leave food out on countertops.
  • Do not ignore food messes and drink spills.
  • Do not ignore moisture problems inside your home.

Bring in our team if you would like additional help dealing with ants. We have everything you need to address these and other problematic local pests.

Professional Pest Control: A Smart Ant Control Solution

The best option you have to deal with ants lies with our professionals at Bell Pest Control. We would be more than happy to pay you a visit and identify where these bugs are hiding inside and around your home.

Once we know what you are up against, we will recommend some short and long-term treatments to help you find freedom from these or other pests you are struggling with. Call Bell Pest Control to learn more about ant control in Folsom and schedule a treatment visit for your home and property.

Contact us to schedule your complimentary inspection, and we’ll provide you with an estimate for our services.